




The SS400F and SS400G Series sensors are small, versatiledigital Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magneticfield from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet, and aredesigned to respond to alternating North and South poles or toa South pole only. Bipolar, latching and unipolar magnetics areavailable.

Band gap regulation provides stable operation over 3.8 Vdc to30 Vdc supply voltage range. These sensors are capable ofcontinuous 20 mA sinking output and may be cycled as high as50 mA max. Its 3.8 V capability allows for use in many potentiallow voltage applications.


  • Temperature-compensated magnetics

  • Miniature plastic package

  • Low voltage: 3.8 V operation



  • Speed and RPM (revolutions per minute) sensing

  • Tachometer, counter pickup

  • Motor and fan control 

  • Electric window lift

  • Convertible roof position

  • Automotive transmission position


  • Speed and RPM (revolutions per minute) sensing

  • Tachometer, counter pickup

  • Flow-rate sensing

  • Brushless dc (direct current) motor commutation

  • Motor and fan control 

  • Robotics control


  • Motor assemblies

  • Medication dispense control

Table 1. Operating Characteristics (over operating voltage and temperature,unless otherwise noted)

Supply voltage3.8-30Vdc
Current consumption--10mA
Supply current (operated @ 25°C, Vs = 5V)-6.5-mA
Output voltage (operated)--0.40


20 mA max.

Output current(operated)--20 mA-
Output leakage current(released)--10 μA-

Output switching time

rise, 10% to 90%

fall, 90% to 10%





0.05 μS

0.15 uS


1.5 uS

1.5 uS

Vcc= 12 V,

RL= 1.6 kΩ.

CL = 20 pF

Table 2. Output Current Absolute Limits

Supply VoltageOutput Current
-1 Vdc to 24 Vdc50 mA max.
24 Vdc to 25 Vdc

37 mA max.

25 Vdc to 26 Vdc

33 mA max.

26 Vdc to 27 Vdc

28 mA max.

27 Vdc to 28 Vdc

24 mA max.

28 Vdc to 29 Vdc

19 mA max.

29 Vdc to 30 Vdc15 mA max.

Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings

Supply voltage-1 Vdc to +30 Vdc


EAbsolute maximum ratings are the extremelimits that the device will withstand withoutdamage to the device.However. the electricaand mechanical characteristics are notguaranteed as the maximum limits(aboverecommended operatng conditions)areapproached, nor will the device necessarilyoperate at absolute maximum ratings.

Voltage externally appliedto output

+30 Vdc max.(OFF only)

-0.5 Vdc min.(OFF or ON) 

Output ON current

see Table 2

Operating temperature

-40 °C to 150 °C [-40 °F to 302 °F]

Storage temperature

-65°C to 160“C[-85 °Fto 320°F1
Magnetic fluxNo limit. Circuit cannot be damaged bymagnetic overdrive.


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